博客來精選推薦One American Dream


One American Dream

台中水晶專賣店One American Dream 評價





One American Dream

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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One American Dream


Russian Step by Step- Intermediate Level 3 With Audio Direct Download

The Role of Case in Russian Syntax



Aboard the boat that deposits him in 1890s New York, ten-year-old Jack Rubin swears he will become an authentic American. He refuses to speak his native Polish or Yiddish, instead, learning English in his new home of the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Believing the wealthy Americans living in the best neighborhoods are The American Dream, Jack resolves to become like one of them.

He soon finds himself busy with American life—getting married, running businesses, delving into Jewish theology, and raising his daughter. Throughout his life, Jack checks himself to see if he has achieved his goal of becoming a true American, and, despite his wealth and success, he believes he always falls short.

Jack’s daughter, Ruthie, is born into the life Jack strived so hard to achieve. She is wealthy, educated, and American, but she despises her lifestyle. Growing up in the bohemian New York of the Roaring Twenties, Ruthie becomes an insatiable reader, and an even more insatiable writer. After one of her short stories is noticed by a big book publisher, Ruthie and her editor enter into a relationship that ultimately tests their faith, families, and lives.

The Great Depression follows the dramatic events that unfold, and, in the in the depths of the country’s despair, the Rubin family will be pushed down paths that they had never imagined. But through it all, Jack discovers the heart of what it means to be an authentic American.


  • 作者: Beck, Bernard
  • 原文出版社:Amberjack Pub
  • 出版日期:2017/03/21
  • 語言:英文

One American Dream


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